The Quest for Representation
The United States must adjust to monumental shifts in society, scientific advancements, technological breakthroughs, and economic innovations.
Robert Hamill
The United States must adjust to monumental shifts in society, scientific advancements, technological breakthroughs, and economic innovations.
Reliance on belief only leads us astray when we must ignore facts. Facts are correctives to flawed beliefs.
No matter how difficulties these proposals may be, they are certainly less than those the founding fathers faced when they wrote the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.
It's important that citizens vote. It's essential that they have essential information to base their choices on.
Arranging political factors: The danger of climate change swamping us in the remainder of our life is low while the chance of bankruptcy due to health care costs is much higher.
Equally important the election results in representation aligning with the majority's vote.
Corporations cannot be clearly defined as solely US, untinged by foreign interests. But we are allowing them to affect political elections.
“Corporations are people, too” is double-dipping on citizenship rights. Their leaders already have a vote and the means to voice their opinions.