Obama The Good, the Bad, and the Uglies

- Good
- Avoided Great Depression II
- Got us out of Iraq. Got Osama bin Laden
- Obamacare. Covering many more people
- Bad
- Drones, assassins of the sky without proper oversight
- NSA snooping on US citizens
- Wish Obama would have declared victory when bin Laden was killed and exited Afghanistan.
- Obamacare. Gave up on single payer which would have roped in unfettered cost increases imposed by independent medical providers. Allowed states to decide whether to expand Medicaid coverage or not.
- Ugly
- He was going to close Gitmo. Never done.
- Obamacare. Inoperative web site at launch. Misleading citizens by claiming they could keep any healthcare they had if they liked it.
- Ugly in opponents
- Making Obama fail more important than helping the country
- Not allowing votes on legislation that could pass with bipartisan votes, because their favored position would lose.
- Ugly in extreme supporters and opponents
- Believing that they have the one true truth and the other side is evil incarnate. Compromise is a betrayal of their truth (rather than a recognition that reality is multidimensional and beyond a single ism).
- Repeating every disagreement they have so that citizens, only hear of government ineptitude.
Obama Official White House Photo by Pete Souza – P120612PS-0463 (direct link), Public Domain, https://commons.wikimedia.org